Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Go Hillary!

I cannot tell you how relived I was to see Hillary win the NH votes yesterday. My eyes are swelling with tears as I write this. This country is wounded and at an all time low. With that in mind I believe a woman, a MOTHER, is just what this country needs in order to heal and re-group and hopefully regain some "Bush-whacked" respect from the world. I knew from the beginning I was going to vote for Hillary. I'm a woman and I want to see a woman in office... thank god she's on the Democratic side because I really would have had a hard time voting for a Republican, male or female.

Barack Obama scares me. (I wont even begin to tell you what Huckabee does to me) I know he's popular and has a real shot at winning the ultimate election but truthfully I believe he is nothing but eloquent. Yea, he can talk and smile nice for the camera but really, what is he capable of? He can speak of change and all the great things he plans on doing in office, but he, and the rest of them for that matter really have no clue what they are actually capable of. Hillary has been there. She's seen first hand what none of the others have even come close to seeing. Her promises are realistic, while some candidates promise the world and may get the votes for it; her promises come with a realistic foundation to base them on and although she isn't standing on a platform promising to reform health care in the first six months in office, it isn't because she doesn't want change, it's because she KNOWS what is possible and what is not.

Although I've known for a long time now I would cast my vote for Ms. Clinton I am even more confirmed in my mind after seeing Hillary show a bit of emotion the other day. She spoke from her heart and I felt it. Obama only hurt his chances when he mocked her and said the White House needs strength not tears.... shame on him for chastising her for showing she is a real person with real feelings. All he did in my eyes was show he was a jerk of a man. I think women who may have been on the fence between the two were most likely swayed to Hillary's camp because of his male egotistical remarks.

Go Hillary!


Nick Vona said...

oh man! I have to respecfully disagree!
First i will start by saying that i would be happy enough with a democrat in office rather than a republican (ass monkey) for another term. In retrospect i think Hillary's "tearful moment" in NH on the eve of the primary was as genuine as a three dollar bill.
Eloquence can be a powerful thing and I really think the US could use a good pep talk and an inpiring figure now more than ever.
Hillary seems to me to be too "bought and paid for".

just my thoughts

Nick Vona said...

getting all political and stuff

me likey!!!

Shirley G said...

I'm with you on Hillary Gina-bean. Don't worry about your brother, he moved away! Go Hillary!