Monday, November 26, 2007

Pizza Puffs!

So Michael comes to me this afternoon and proudly exclaimed that I never need to call for pizza again! I can just buy "Pancake Puffs"! "They're perfect for parties and special occassions too!" (His exact words btw).

He has been doing this lately...seeing comercials and then running to tell me what great gadget he has found or how I can save hundreds of dollars! (comcast comercial in October... luckily I'm ahead of the game and already have comcast!) This just goes to show how marketing has an effect on kids. They can market anything and kids are sold.

On the bright side it's so cute when they run to sell you on something with such conviction and innocence. I wish I had a recorder to save that blurb for the rest of my life. My boys are awesome and I wouldn't trade that for the world.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


So, our first Thanksgiving in Portland was a success!!! I have to say my turkey was the best turkey I have ever eaten in my life... sorry Gramma and Mom, but honestly mine is better. (Thank you Alton Brown!) I feel like a real woman now. It is so weird to me sometimes, but although I am nearing the big 4-0 I still feel like a kid... I think back at my mom at my age and she seemed so much older than I feel... again no offense mom because I don't mean looks-wise. Maybe it's because I started having kids so much later or something, but by the time my mom was my age she was well seasoned in having holiday dinners at her house, while to me it's still a new experience.

Back to Thanksgiving.... my dear friend Lisa and her husband, Mike, along with their two kids came to celebrate with us. Lisa brought the stuffing, the green stuff, the mashed potatoes, and a pie (homemade by her Mike). I made the turkey, gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and provided a store bought pie... sorry, I'm good but not that good. All the food was wonderful and we had an amazing time.

The kids played for hours in the back yard and in the playroom and not one arguement! That in itself is a minor miracle since Michael and Lisa's son Carson tend to mix about as well as a duck in an oil spill. They kept themselves busy all afternoon digging holes in the back yard to trap ghosts in.... from what I gather, the plan was to run from the ghosts and jump over the hole causing the unsuspecting ghost to fall into the hole leaving it unable to get out. When asked if the plan was a success both replied "NO, the hole wasn't deep enough". Ask a stupid question.....

So, although I missed my family terribly, this has to be one of the best Thankgiving's I have ever had. I am truly thankful for my life. I have a wonderful husband, two great kids, and some really wonderful people skills... After all, I've lived here less than a year and have made friends great enough to spend the holidays with. What more can a girl ask for? (Well, I guess a girl can always ask for more... it is almost Christmas after all!)