Monday, April 28, 2008

Behind Bars

I just had to post this. It seems there is a picture of me floating around out there in kind of the same predicament... however I don't know if I was stuck or if I was just striking a silly pose. Hayden however was stuck. For some reason he likes to put his head through the bars in our living room but his head being in the 75 percentile for his age does not make for easy removal. Luckily we were able to pass the rest of his body through.

Hopefully he will stop doing this before he gets really stuck and needs emergency assistance. Here's how I see it going...

911 Operator: "Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

Me: "My sons head is stuck between the bars of a railing"

911 Operator: "His head is stuck?"

Me: "Yes, Ma'am"

911 Operator: "Have you tried to remove his head?"

Me: "No Ma'am, I think he needs it"

911 Operator: "Oh, right, well help is on the way"

Me: "Ok, thanks!"

So, that's what I see happening in the near future if he keeps up this current behavior. As always, I'll keep you all posted!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's official!!!!

Well, we've known for a few weeks but we didn't want to say anything until we knew everything was ok and I'd had a chance to go to the doctor...

We are having a baby! Yes, Hayden decided he didn't just want to be the little brother but he wanted to be a big brother too! Michael also thought another addition to our family would be fun so we went for it and viola! Our new bundle will arrive in November. The official due date is November 30th but judging from the last two SHE will be a bit early.

Speaking of SHE... maybe if everyone thinks "girl baby" the karmic gods will see my wish is granted.

In addition just in case anyone is wondering this will be the final child for the Kadlec's...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Tooth Fairy and Inflation

Well, it's official. Michael is on his way to becoming a big kid. His bottom front tooth has been loose for a couple of weeks now and with lots and lots of wiggling it finally decided to come out yesterday. When I picked him up at school he was holding a little plastic tooth which held the baby tooth inside. I was so proud I got teary eyed and gave him a big hug. I guess it's a rite of passage but to a mommy it's a sign that your baby wont be a baby forever.

Last night we put it under his pillow and the Tooth Fairy paid us a visit. Well, times have changed that's for sure. I would recommend every one who is going to go through this in the future remember to have small bills on hand. At 11:00 PM when the "Tooth Fairy" was ready to visit our house she only had a $20. Being so late she didn't want to get dressed to go make changed so that's what she left. I don't remember what I got for my first tooth but I sure know it wasn't close to $20! My Tooth Fairy must have thought ahead. He woke up this morning full of excitement and waving that bill proudly in the air saying "She brought me a dollar!"

In other news... after reading Nick's blog and seeing his beautiful new addition to his family we decided it was time. We got a PS3 a couple of weeks ago and we just knew it would be a lot better on a big new TV. So, we finally broke down and bought one. It's a 52" piece of heaven! I would have been happy with 42" but Mike wanted 58"... I thought 58" was just too much TV... I mean come on! It is just a TV after all... so we compromised. We are all pretty excited about it. Every thing looks better on it from Curious George to our new games. I guess we never have to leave the house now. We have every thing we need right here.