Monday, January 21, 2008

Daddy's Gone! Pros and Cons

Well, my dear hubby Mike left today for Menlo Park on a work related trip. He will be gone for 4 nights and right now that seems like forever... not the kind of desperate forever like you used to feel in high school with your first love, but a forever that you know will really go by quick but you just wish it was over already.

There are pros and cons to his absence... Pro numero uno... I sleep like a baby. Mike is a dear but he is a snoring one. I always sleep so good when he's out of town. I wake up refreshed and happy. The con is I don't feel as secure... you know, he's the one who checks the locks before bed and he's the one who gets up to check the perimeter if you hear noises in the night. When he's gone it's up to me to do that and I kinda like having him around to keep us all safe and sound.

Pro numero dos... dinner time is easier. I don't feel the need to make full on meals like when he's home. I'm happy eating kid food with the boys which is quicker to prepare and easier to clean up.

Pro numero tres... the house stays cleaner... it's not that he's messy it's just that he isn't contributing to the mess and I think I pick things up more often in his absence because I know he's not here to do it which ironically makes absolutely no sense at all because he doesn't pick things up anyway (although he will clean the bathrooms for me (awww...:)... I can't really explain it but really, the house does stay neater and the laundry gets caught up.

The biggest con of all is it's lonliness... the boys want him to tuck them in and I like having him near by at night when we watch tv and settle down. His absence makes me realize how empty our life would be without him. He's funny and a good friend in addition to being a great husband and father.

So, Friday will come soon enough... Absence makes the heart grow fonder so I'm told. :)

1 comment:

Alana Neufeld said...

Ahhh, now that was sweet. Mike is a good hubby and dad, and I'm sure he likes to see how much he is appreciated.
