Saturday, December 29, 2007

People in Afghanistan are reading this!!

Mike has a long time friend named "Mark" who we haven't heard from or seen since about the time we left the Bay Area and moved to Thousand Oaks. So, it's been about 5 years since we have talked to him and we had no idea what he was up to or where he was living.

Well, we didn't know this but Mark enlisted in the Army. He has been a reservist for quite a while but decided to go full force and they sent him off to Afghanistan for 18 months. His unit was dropped off with supplies and basically had to make a camp that is really more like a little city out in the middle of no where. Supplies are dropped and the men and women do what they are there to do.

When the Army wanted him to go back again he asked if there was something else he could do instead and they offered him a position working at Leavenworth. Prison or Afghanistan???? Prison sounded great. I guess there are some big time criminals there like the enlisted man who threw grenades into the tents killing and wounding a bunch of soldiers.

We also found out that Mark has met a woman and plans to marry her next year. She is a Director of a Library and from what he said she is very educated and he is totally and completely in love. He has asked Mike to be his best man when he gets married. Quite and honor.

We found all this out because Mark googled us and found this blog. Then he searched the white pages and found a number for us.

Congratulations Mark!!!

So, people actually do read this!!! People in Afghanistan no less! For all I know some lady in Thailand is sitting at her desk right now checking this out!

Very cool.

1 comment:

Nick Vona said...

Keep the helmet on Mark!!!