Michael got a couple of really cool things from Santa this year. He requested and was given a Chia Pet that grows cat grass. He also got Aquasaurs which are prehistoric fish that your grow from their eggs. Well, the Chia is doing pretty good. It's been 5 days now and we have about an inch or so of green... the Aquasaurs however are not doing as well. I'm supposed to see the things swimming by day three. It's been 4 days now and still no Aquasaurs. I just can't understand it... I've got the water just right, the temperature is just right and I've followed the instructions to the "T". So, why are there no Aquasaurs? Michael of course is excited but has a "let me know when you can see them" attitude about it. But, I am checking the things several times a day with childlike anticipation in hope that "this time" I will see the prehistoric creatures at last. Maybe tomorrow?
I will follow up later, if, and when, I see life...
Speaking of life... Biff our cat joined our family nearly a year ago. He has been a great addition to our family. He is the most easy going, cool, and even tempered cat I've ever known. Michael has been in love from day one. We actually spent the first 3 months yelling "Michael, LEAVE THE CAT ALONE!". Luckily for Biff we moved into our house 3 months after his arrival and his options for hiding increased a hundred fold. So, Michael had to work really hard to gain Biff's trust. With hard work you get rewarded and Michael learned that lesson. Biff is now content to be held and loved by Michael. Hayden loves Biff too and Biff likes to play with Hayden. Hayden will waddle toward Biff and Biff will move forward about 10 steps or so at a time to keep just out of reach. I don't know who has more fun in this game as they both seem to like it.
Also speaking of life... Our fish died again. Michael doesn't know and he hasn't asked. I think his tank was too close to the window and he was just basically freezing to death. I've now moved the tank and am planning on replacing him in the next few days or so. Hopefully, the next one will survive... it's actually kind of sad really. Is being adopted by me actually a death sentence???
Lucky for the kid's I'm 2-0. :)
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