The week before Christmas Mike was fortunate to have a few days off for a change. Being the work-a-holic that he is the first two days a few phone calls were made but on Friday he took Michael to Mountain Hood (as Michael calls it). The plan was to go tubing. So, Thursday Mike and I went to Fred Meyers (for those of you who don't know... Freddie's (as we locals call it), is like Target, Ace Hardware, and Ralph's combined. They have everything.) Anyway, we went to Freddie's and bought everything a boy would need to go play in the snow.
They got up early on Friday and got on the road. It's about 1 1/2 hrs to the ski area and the night before Mother Nature dumped a fresh coating of snow just for them!
The hill was pretty big and half way up the first time Michael began to let it be known his legs were getting tired. So, they went up and down it 8 or 9 times and spent the rest of the day frolicking in the fresh powder and making new friends.
Later that night after they got home we went out to dinner... Michael had enough of being in the car and was so tired he came down with a headache actually got sick but he was fine the next day... I think Mike just wore the kid out and that is a hard thing to do to a five year old boy!
Bottom line... Mike is a great dad. Michael and Hayden are lucky, lucky boys to have a dad like him who will take them out on adventures and enjoy himself to boot! I'm lucky too... it feels great to see your kids happy and well adjusted with a hands-on dad.
I finally got it right!
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