Well, we moved here just over a year ago and last Christmas we flew the four of us down to California to visit all of our family. This year we decided to save some cash and start our own tradition here in Oregon. I'm glad we did because this has to be the best Christmas I've ever had in my entire life...
We spent Christmas Eve with our best friends Mike and Lisa Emmert. They have two boys, Carson and Keaton... so we all gathered at our place and had great appetizers, prime rib, and some mashed potatoes that were so good we could have eaten just those and loved it. Lisa brought a wonderful salad and she whipped up some asparagas and we called it dinner! After some food and a few drinks we opened presents and then had the boys bake and ice gingerbread cookies for Santa. Sometime around then Keaton told his mom "It can't be Christmas because there is no snow". Well, Lisa explained to the 3 year old, "Even if there is no snow it's still Christmas, it's just that it doesn't snow that often here." Well, that still didn't please Keaton but he ran off to play. While the kids were playing us "big kids" played "Catch Phrase". Well let me tell you, that was a freakin' blast!!! I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my entire life. I did suffer a sports injury during the game that almost made me pee my pants but that didn't stop the girls from kickin' the boys butts! Luckily, the kids played together great and gave us plenty of time for the game. Before we knew it it was 11:30 PM and the phone rang! It was Santa's helper making sure all the kids were asleep because Santa was on his way! After all, if the kids were still awake Santa would have to skip our house and move on to the next! Well, that was all the motivation they needed for going to sleep! Our guests weren't even out the door when Michael was begging to go to bed!
Christmas Day the four of us opened our presents and had a great breakfast together. While we were eating it began to snow. Big flakes showered down and gently covered the roofs white and left a thin blanket of snow. Just enough for Michael to don his boots and gloves and head outside for an hour or more of entertainment. After that we put Hayden down for his afternoon nap and Mike, Michael and I played a board game over hot chocolate. Well, cocktails for Mike and I.
Now as the day is coming to an end and it's beginning to get dark I'm reflecting on the fact that we have such great friends who we love so much. To have met people so great that within a year of knowing them we not only want to spend the holiday together but enjoy them just as much as family. I've been a little homesick these last few weeks but I have to admit I wouldn't have changed a thing about this Christmas.
We've started our own tradition and it makes me feel great. I have two wonderful sons who make Christmas magical and have allowed me to really appreciate the true spirit of Christmas.
And lastly, Keaton got his Christmas wish... a white Christmas.
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