This morning when Mike left to spend the day with his Dad I was feeling a bit disgruntled and irritated. After a night with little sleep... Alana's teething... I was awoken at the crack of dawn by my offspring. The last of the Diet Coke had been consumed the day before which no doubt would eventually turn into a headache from lack of my daily dose of caffeine and without Mike I was going to have to entertain all three of my babes without back-up. Throw in some hormones and well, I'm sure you get the drift; it was not looking like it was going to be a promising day.

Eventually we were all fed and dressed and I packed everyone up and headed to the park. What better way to blow off some energy and keep the boys entertained. At first Michael was not happy about my park of choice because there were not many kids, but I made the executive decision to stay. I'm glad I did. We enjoyed a picnic lunch and the boys quickly found friends to play with. One thing about my boys, they have excellent social skills. They are both easy to get along with and just happy to play and talk with anyone who is interested. I love that about them.

After a couple of hours of running around, climbing the monkey bars, and riding their bikes and scooters we grabbed the camera and decided to take a couple of pictures. I even handed the camera to them and asked them to take a few shots of nature. So enjoy the picture of grass taken by Hayden and the flowers taken by Michael.

Now, Michael, who as I'm writing this just gave me a hug and an "I love you Mommy", is enjoying some quiet down-time. Hayden and Allie are napping and there is a nice breeze is blowing in through my window. I can honestly say this has been a great day so far. When Mike gets home we'll BBQ some burgers, eat outside, and we will finish the day as a family. What more can I ask for? It's day's like this that make me realize I have it all. Well, I'm signing off... Michael wants to color with me.
this is one of my favorite entries on your blog. It is the kind of day you'll remember, and your pics are wonderful. I love the one of the 3 Kadlec kiddies, and the one of you and Alana is beautiful.
Proud Mom/Grandma
Ditto from great-gramma!
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