It has been amazing having my baby girl. She is the sweetest baby I've ever known. She rarely cries and is just happy to be. Easily entertained, just a look and a "high girl baby!" is enough to make her smile and squeal with delight. Even on my worst day a smile like that could make me feel warm and fuzzy. So, I am delighted to be her Mommy. It's funny really. In the beginning of my pregnancy with her I was so scared and unsure how I was going to deal with having three children. My boys are a lot of work, God love them. Throwing a third one in the mix was terrifying to say the least. Honestly there were days I was dreading having another one. And then when I held her that feeling just faded away instantly. Now here I am six months later and I cannot believe I ever felt that way. I also cannot imagine a life with out my three kidlets. They are all beautiful and happy. Sometimes they make me crazy but I guess that's what it's all about. In the end all I can say is they are the reason I exsist. My true loves.
Back to Allie. She is growing so fast! She's really working her fingers and loves to play with anything she can grasp. Every thing goes in her mouth. If there is nothing to grab onto she is just as happy with her fingers and fist. She drools so much she single-handedly could probably solve California's' drought situation. She has zero interest in rolling over but is sitting up really well. I think it's only a matter of days until she is able to really sit alone without assistance. She's eating baby food now and just tonight seemed to get the hang of it. She is messy but getting it down. She LOVES her big brothers. Every time they come into the room she smiles and pays close attention to their each and every move. I can already see the wheels turning... mind you, Hayden has given me plenty of practice recognizing "that look"... so when she starts walking I may indeed be in for it.
Her hair is slowly growing... She is kind of sporting a Sinead O'Connor look. It's definitely going to be brown but the jury is still out on whether she'll have curly locks like mommy or straight hair like her daddy and big brother Michael. Curly or straight, I cannot wait to put bows in it.
Her name is Alana. We call her Allie. I call her Girl Baby. I'm so lucky.
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