Thursday, August 14, 2008

New House

Well, it's been a month and we are pretty settled into our new hosue. It's a lot smaller than our last one albeit a lot cheaper but it's taking some getting used to. While there are somethings I like better than the last house I really miss our old neighborhood and the back yard.

Luckily this is only temporary as we are giving it two years max... at that time we will either buy a house of our own or move into something bigger.

Here are some pictures for you to see our new digs!

Dining Room/Nook

Kitchen... Don't mind Hayden picking his nose.

Family Room



I still have some pictures to hang... I didn't take any pictures of the upstairs yet... I still need to clean the poop off the carpet... read next the other post and I haven't made my beds yet today. Eventually I'll click a few to show you.

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