Anyway, last night I was sleeping and had a very strange dream that I was in a store and the guy behind the counter told me if I could make a Caramel Macchiato I had the job.... I didn't know I was looking for a job, I remember thinking but I jumped behind the counter anyway and started to prepare my concoction. I remember the espresso machine being very dirty and the espresso was not packing right so I was having a hard time and fumbling around. I was in this state for some time and it felt like forever. I even remember thinking it to myself that this was weird. Well, the guy got mad at me for taking so long and I didnt' get the job. I was devestated. Dream over.
Well, the weirdest part of it is I've never even had a Caramel Macchiato in my life. I have no idea what's in one so I couldn't have a clue as to how to make one anyway. I do drink Starbucks almost daily... but I have a potion which I order religiously... (Tall, no whip, java chip frappaccio... just in case anyone is going to visit me after I have the baby and would like to bring me a treat... wink wink.) My point is I never even look at the menu. So, I've decided I must try the Caramel Macchiato... it wouldn't be right not to. Somehow the universe is telling me to taste it. I went online and saw the photo and must say it does look rather inviting.
So, I don't know if anyone else thinks this was a weird dream but I thought I'd share. It was weird to me and this is my blog so I'll post what I want. Ha Ha Ha!
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