I don't know if I mentioned or not but Mike left his job at Ultra Clean Technology in early May. I can't go into the gory details and God knows I would LOVE TO, because he had to sign an agreement saying he wouldn't divulge the reason for his leaving. All I will say is it was not our loss but rather theirs. One of the best qualities about my husband is his work ethic. He is a work horse and a true company man. He will give and give and give his all to help a company succeed. UCT didn't deserve him and fortunately another company, Vesta, saw the worth and snatched him right up! He is now a Program Manager overseeing the IT Department and doing a fantastic job! We are all happy that he has a lot more time at home now and our family is reaping the benefits of his presence. He is now able to be there to help get the kids bathed and ready for bed as well as give a lot of kisses and tuck the boys in. This new job will also be great when baby girl gets here because he does have more time at home and I have a feeling I will really need him then.
Vesta is a software company. They specialize in fraud detection. So, you can all rest easy knowing Mike is out there protecting your identity. So far they are treating him right and he is happy with the move.
Yeh Mike!! Go Mike!
I can sleep better at night...
Good on ya mike!!!
(that's an Aussie thang)
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