I know we all have physical atributes about ourselves which we wish we could change. Mine has always been my hair. Ever since I can remember my hair has been an issue. Once when I was really young it got so tangled and snarled at the nape of the neck I had to have it cut off like a mangy dog. Growing up in the 70's when the "look" was feathered bangs and flowing wavy hair, my hair always looked like a brillo pad after a few scrubbings. In photos all I see is a foot ball helmet or a pyramid depending on the cut. Speaking of cuts, I've always hated getting my hair cut because it always seems like a crap shoot on how it would come out. I've left salon's feeling discouraged and dissappointed. To be completly honest, my hair has been a big factor in my self esteem. I think I've over compensated with my bold personality to in some way "hide" how I really felt about myself; the way I looked.
Now, don't get me wrong. There have been a few times when I've been glad for my natural curls. As a teenager I spent most of the summers days at the beach. I would always go in the water first thing to get my hair wet. It always dried looking so great after being in the salt water. I wore it long then and I think there was a couple of years where I didn't hate my hair so much... but really, most of the time I've been unhappy with my fro. Funny thing is other people seemed to love it. People I didn't even know would feel free to touch it and scrunch it... I guess like a Buddah's belly it's just something people felt a draw towards. Let me also state at this time... People with curly hair do not like their hair touched. Touching curly hair only seems to make it frizzy and poofy so hands off!
Anyway, a few years ago I heard about this process of Thermal Reconditioning... aka "Japaneese Hair Straightening". I didn't know the mechanics of it, all I knew is I could have silky-smooth, straight hair. Hair that I've always wished I could have. However, it is really expensive and I never seemed to have an extra $600 laying around so I just chalked it up on the shelf of "wishes" right alongside the tummy tuck and the two week vacation in Bora Bora...
Then a friend of ours, Karen Chacon, said she might be able to help me. She works at Medusa Salon in Long Beach. Well, I lunged at the chance. I was so excited for weeks knowing it might really happen. I felt all sorts of emotion in the days leading up to it. At one point I actually considered not having it done... what if I hated it? What if I needed to have it done again and couldn't afford it? What if it didn't work and I was left with horrible hair evan more horrible than the hair I've been living with for nearly 40 years... yes, I hate it but what if it just got worse? Anyway, I fought these fears and jitters and did it anyway. I couldn't hardly sleep the night before like a little kid waiting for Santa to arrive.

The next day I had it done and I have been amazed at the results. It is so soft and silky. I can't hardly stop playing with it! I've never had silky flowing hair like this with little to no effort. When I get out of the shower and let my hair dry naturally it dries almost completely straight. I like to let it dry then use a flat iron to quickly make it a bit smoother. It's shiny and looks wonderful. I actually feel "prettier" with my new hair, like it's given me extra confidence. I think feel like a girl with size 32A boobies feels when she's gotten implants... I feel more like the woman I've always wanted to see looking back at me in the mirror.