One of his most recent escapades was to flush the spindle that holds the toilet paper down the toilet. He did this the day we moved into our new house and we have been cursing him ever since. So, our downstairs toilet has been a "pee only" toilet. This was a ton of fun for me in my last couple of months of pregnancy and kept me running up and downstairs a couple dozen times a day. For the boys this was no big deal as they don't need toilet paper every time they go potty... so the sense of urgency was non-existent. We could have called a plumber but we just kept putting it off... the economy is tough right now and we are not swimming in extra dough so we thought we could just fix it our selves. So, finally two months later Mike's dad came over and brought his "snake" to see if we couldn't push that spindle down the tube. Didn't work.
Mike's dad recommended taking the toilet off and pulling it out from the underside. Not wanting to take that route Mike borrowed the "Snake 3000" from his Grandmother, being motor powered and all it was sure to do the trick... although Uncle Henry recommended taking the toilet off and getting it out from the underside. (Hmmm... pattern developing here?) Alas, the "Snake 3000" didn't work.