Thursday, October 25, 2007

So, I'm blogging. I've heard about it, read about it, and most recently visited a blog that sparked my interest. That said here I am "blogging away".

So, what exactly is a blog?

blog (blŏg) Pronunciation Key n. A weblog. intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog. [(we)blog.] blog·ger n.

Anyway, I being the blogger will now add material to my blog.... I guess that will be in the form of photos. Being that this is titled "Gina and her boys" I guess it is most fitting I add them first.

Maintaining the blog will be interesting... will I have the tenacity to keep up this blog??? Will my "boys" give me time and energy to blog?

We are the young and restless and these are the days of our lives... as the world turns and passions keep us alive I will do my best to be amongst the bold and the beautiful along with all my children hopefully keeping them out of the general hospital...

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