I can't believe it's been so long since I've really posted anything here! I take pictures all the time and always think of stuff to post but lately life has been pretty hectic around here. Now that Allie is crawling she is keeping me really busy with baby watching. Up till now she has been content to just sit and play which makes it pretty easy on dear ole' mommy... but now the game has changed to a new level and she is mastering the art of transportation. For the first time today she actually tried to climb the stairs... only one step but one step leads to another. I see some baby gates in our future for sure. We also have two teeth so we have had some cranky moments although I have to say she is handling it like a little trooper.

Michael has started 1st grade and seems to really like his teacher and the school work. Today was Patriots Day and the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts all wore their uniforms and led the flag ceremony. Michael was all dressed in his uniform and he looked really good. It's so cool to see a kid now instead of a baby. He looks so big to me and sometimes I have to remember he is just a little guy... as much as he would like me to forget it. For the first time he was not too cool on giving me a "have a good day kiss" before school.

Hayden is 3 now! Proud mommy I am. He is really growing well and is just a sweet heart. He has his moments but most of the time he's just a silly little kid who just wants to play. He has his first best friend! His name is Ryan and just happens to be the brother to Michael's best friend so it really works out great. They are so funny when they see eachother... they run and hug eachother, then without a word spoken they take off as if they can read eachothers minds.

So, it's back to school, back to routine, back to the "schedule". Last spring I wondered how I was going to entertain all three of them for such a long time. Well, summer just flew by and we had a great time. Lots of lazy days at the lake and lots of laughs. We never left town or went on vacation but we are so lucky to live in such a great area... it was like a "staycation" all summer long.