Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter 2009
Well, it's springtime! Flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and I've been cleaning up a storm around here organizing closets. The weather has been beautiful for the most part; sunny days and warm temps have given me the bug to get ready for summer.
We celebrated Springtime with friends and family this Easter. On Saturday Mike's parents came to visit and have brunch with us. They brought Easter baskets for the kids which were filled with lots of non-edible goodies... thankfully because we are overloaded with chocolates and god knows my boys don't need any thing else to wind them up! Hayden got play-doh and Michael got some new paints which always keep him entertained for hours. Ed took time out to sit and paint with Michael for a while and even Hayden got in on the party and the three of them had a really good time.
On Sunday my Mom, Gramma, Joe, and Aunt Linda came over and we also had brunch. It was a little chilly but we still enjoyed the sunshine in the back yard. After a great meal of crust-less Quiche, Potato Casserole, fruit, and Cherry bread, we all got a kick out of watching Michael and Hayden hunt for Easter Eggs.
The kids had a blast with their new "bubble blowers" the Easter Bunny brought them. My mom took this great picture of Hayden... you can even see the bubble!
After our Easter brunch celebration was over we went down the street to the Merril's house to have Eater dinner with our neighbors. Michael goes to school with their son and they invited us. It was great to get to know the family better. They are really nice people and we are looking forward to getting to know them even better..
Allie just goes with the flow! She's such an easy baby! She just kept right on her schedule through the whole weekend! She did wake up long enough to grace everyone with her presence and to wear the ridiculously cute bunny ears I got her!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Girl Baby
Allie is really turning into a sweet little baby. She is quiet and full of smiles. It is wonderful to see her growing physically as well as seeing a personality emerge from that tiny little infant. I've been begging her since the moment she was born to "give mommy a break". We've talked and she has agreed to be my easy one. I've got an F3 and an F5 tornado already and I told her what I was really hoping for was a gentle rain type of kid. So far she's living up to my expectations.

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