Hi Everyone! I am sorry it's been so long since I've posted! Things have definitely been crazy here. Three kids are a lot more work than two and they keep me busy all day long.

Michael is doing GREAT in school! We got his report card and he is really on track and proving to be an excellent student so far. We are so proud of him. He's really growing so fast and loosing teeth too! He's about to loose his second top front tooth any day now. This will be his fourth tooth to date! I know it will feel like a second and I'll look at him one day and he'll have grown into a man. It seems like just yesterday he was a little baby!

Hayden... well, he's still up to his normal antics. Last week we had a big scare when he decided to build a bridge from the couch to the coffee table using pillows... (I guess engineering is not in his future. Well, surprisingly the bridge did not hold him and he came crashing down and tore the lower part of his nose from his lip. It took a plastic surgeon an hour under general anesthesia to fix it. He took it like a trooper though and bounced right back. Now not even two weeks later you can hardly tell anything happened.

We also recently moved Allie into the crib like a "big baby". That meant moving furniture all around. Now Michael and Hayden share a room and Hayden is in a big boy bed. He has adjusted really well to his new room so far. Allie is still adjusting to the crib but she's getting used to it and sleeping longer each night. I will be so happy when she is able to sleep all the way through. At this point she still wakes up two or three times a night and it's really starting to take it's toll on me. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I know it will only last another couple of months.
Moving the kids rooms around also meant all the clothes had to be moved. Michael's dresser became Hayden's... Hayden's became Michael's, and Michael's clothes moved into a spare dresser that was full of clothes not being used at the moment. Since I was doing that I also had to reorganize all the closets and decided to even clean mine out since I was at it. My next project is going to be reorganizing the linen closet. I guess I'm feeling a bit of spring fever right now.

Now that Hayden is sleeping in a "big boy bed" that means no naps. I don't know how well that is working for either of us. Today he just fell asleep on the kitchen floor while I was making dinner. We took the crib tent off the crib since Allie hasn't started climbing.. yet. There would be a better chance of Hell freezing over rather than Hayden sleeping in the bed for a nap so we thought this would be the end of naps for him. Now, realizing he really needs one and honestly I need him to need one.. we have decided to get a tent for the pack and play and we'll put him down for his nap in that. Thank God for tents!
Mike is doing really well too. Luckily he still has a job although the economy is really taking it's toll on his company. They depend on bank loans to meet their pay roll so it's been touch and go for a while but as for now it looks like they may survive the storm. It's really been stressful on our family but I know we'll get through it and I know a lot of people out there have it a lot worse than we do.