As some of you are well aware Hayden is a climber. For the last 8 months or so he has been climbing on everything from the kitchen table to the bathroom cabinets. Nothing can stop him... nap time became virtually impossible because I would put him in his crib and he would climb out. At times he tested me to my limits until I had to choose to either cry or give up. I found myself against my better judgement giving up... waving my white flag in defeat. Defeat only lasted a few battles however. A friend of mine recommended getting a crib tent for the crib and voila!!! Problem solved!!! This thing is incredible. It was so easy to put together and it works like a charm.
We also got Hayden a climber for outside in the back yard so he can climb to his hearts content. Needless to say the kitchen table and bathroom counters still hold some strange fascination for him but at least outside he's happy. I took a pic for you to all see... notice the cheese ball look... this kids a clown and loves to pose for the camera. Maybe this is a sign of whats to come... an attention loving climber may find himself climbing Mt. Everest someday. Enjoy the little video... it's Hayden's "attempt" to climb out of the crib post-crib tent installation. He also says one of his new words... "YES!!".